girl fairy with daisy irises kissing cyborg cone flower on watercolor background

The Tin Princess Collection

ONCE a Leviathan swallowed our cities, crushing bone to dust, weaving soul to stone.

goblin holding Monet inspired teacup with escaping unicorn fish on abstract daisy background

The Rag doll Princess Collection

THINK long upon happiness—your greatest wish—and in your cup you will summon the unicorn fish.


goblin holding Monet inspired teacup with escaping unicorn fish on abstract daisy background

42 and the Unicorn Fish

Bourbon Penn is a zine brimming with highly imaginative, tastefully odd short fiction tales. 
goddess with purple jewelry and seaweed hair holding sword of pearl bone and pink stone

Nightmare Myths Collection

NEITH spun forth from the seafoam, hair weft in locks like the kelpie.

surreal girl with pirate hat gumball dreams in her head and floral face tattoo
YOUR sweet candied dreams are pills for my head to be spun and consumed from the thoughts you have in bed—hallowed and cold, alone and undead. "Abide the wreckage of love," the succubus said.

The Marvelous Collection

queen of hearts with puckered red lips modern runway attire and small bird

The Queen’s Corner: Tarts, Tea & Sweetness Supreme

A  DICEY twist to a fashion foray of bliss, if upon her tarts you festoon a fickle kiss.

beautiful girl fairy with abstract floral fascinator and magical teapot ship earring

The Tea Fairy

queen of hearts with puckered red lips modern runway attire and small bird

Hearts, Tarts & Roses

gorgeous retro 1950s model snow white with evil apple bird and glass mirror collar

Snow, Glass & Apples

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